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The Winds Of Change

Writer's picture: Karen CarlsonKaren Carlson

Change is a constant in life. There is no denying that fact. We can choose to embrace the changes that are presented to us, or we can fight hard to resist whatever change the person or situation may place in our path.

When reading the previous paragraph, how does it make you feel? Does it raise your level of anxiety just thinking about change, or are you confident in your ability to handle change? The fact is that if you are reading this, you have successfully managed every single stressor in your life! You may have handled it better, but you handled it, nonetheless. Close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath, and allow your whole body, mind, and spirit to enjoy a sense of lightness and ease, and confidence in your capable self.

Currently, the change in my life and business might seem a bit overwhelming. With that being said, I still have the choice to navigate to the best of my ability, or I can have a meltdown and become ineffective, super stressed, and unable to survive in a sane manner for myself, as well as all those around me.

I choose to utilize all the tools and skills I have learned throughout my life, so far, to handle what needs to be handled. Among these tools and skills are the ones I offer clients in my wellness business! It isn’t always about one specific moment in time, but sometimes a cumulative number of moments or circumstances building up and creating a pressure cooker effect that can be dangerous.

My tagline for a very long time has been, “My wish is always for you to Be Well.” This captures the complete essence of Be Well And Renew. I am so thankful that my business has an in-person aspect, but also a virtual aspect so that no matter where I am, others can find resources to help them cope with change, navigate stress, and hold on to the joy in your life with healthy strategies.

When you think of ‘being well,’ what does that look like? Do you think of this primarily in your personal realm, or business and personal, or business only? It is the same person experiencing all these no matter which umbrella they fall under. We flow between each sector of our lives and many times that division between them blurs quite easily. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who may work from their home, or small business owners.

I have learned to be much more intentional with self-care. This might be giving myself permission to receive a massage, go for a float, enjoy a walk or a meal with a friend, taking a nap, or doing some meditation or journaling/writing. The most important factor is knowing your own personal preference. What choice is satisfying to one person may be completely unsatisfying to another person. We each have our likes and our dislikes. The old saying, “Try it, you’ll like it” may not always be the case, but at least you would know if you like it or not if you tried it. Remember, self-care is not selfish. It's ammunition to be your best when it is needed, and you never know when that moment will present itself.

Moving can present quite a complete challenge for change. Notice that I don’t present any of these as problems. Our words and thoughts have a huge impact on how we perceive a situation. Presently, I am looking at all the tasks of selling a home, and navigating all the financial requirements, repairs, documents, and legal questions. On the flip side, all these same pieces need to be handled as well as finding a home that will provide a place of happiness, safety, and purpose. Not like any big deal, right? LOL

So far, I’m keeping on top of things, but we certainly have experienced the roller coaster of emotions in the fast-paced and crazy real estate market! We are hopeful that our current choice will be a finalized reality in the first week of May. There is a lot to do between now and then, but we have been packing and preparing. I fully expect at the last minute it will still be startling how much ‘stuff’ still needs to be packed, donated, or discarded. If you have any suggestions or helpful tips, I would be immensely grateful for your input. Really!!

This article link is on change in general and thought it might be helpful for some areas of your life. It is titled "7 Ways To Help You Deal With Change" from PsychCentral.

I will be setting up a space for my healing practice in my new home, but I know it will look and feel different. One factor is that the village we are moving to is only 2,000 people. I fully expect a different rhythm to life, but we are anticipating this and welcoming the shift.

The month of May will be one to remember. Besides moving from North Aurora to Southern Illinois, we are celebrating 50 years of marriage! We are excited to travel to Mackinac Island, with some stops going and coming to visit relatives and friends. We got an excellent ‘experience’ package that includes many options for activities and dining. We look forward to celebrating with our sons and their families in June at our new home and welcoming them into our new space. In August we are going on a 9-day Scandanavian cruise. We will connect after the cruise with some family who live in Sweden which will make it even more special.

Celebrating is as important to a quality life as the everyday moments of joy and happiness. Watch for highlights of all these momentous events. My wish is always for you to Be Well.

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Thursday: Noon-7pm

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New Athens, IL

Warrenville, IL

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